we create requisition without item?
Ans: Yes, Item Category, Item
we apply discount on price while creating PO?
Ans: Yes from we can add Discount in both
PO Header/Line information
we stop material for receiving for your PO document?
Ans: Yes we can Keep PO on hold from
is supplier Portal and what activities you can perform in Supplier Portal?
Ans: Suppliers can acknowledge our PO
documents and other tasks like ASN, ASBN, Invoice, supplier profile change.
is ASBN?
Ans: It is advance shipment billing
notice. Supplier send ASBN before shipment so buyer can do necessary
arrangement for receiving and payments.
we create supplier user?
Ans: In supplier Contact Tab, we can
create supplier user and provide data access.
What is
the task performed under sourcing?
Ans: We can create Auction, RFI, RFQ,
We can perform award negotiation.
is two stage negotiations?
Ans: Two stage negotiation is we evaluate
supplier response in two stages and we unlock data in two stages one is
technical and another is commercial stage.
is surrogate response?
Ans: If supplier is not using supplier Portal
and sends response via mail/fax then buyer submits response on behalf of
10. What is the difference between Contract
and Agreement?
Ans: Contract is legal business
document. It use to define terms and condition for business under legal
Agreement is mutual understanding between Company and Supplier.
Contract is more powerful than agreement.
11. What is contract terms library?
Ans: Under terms library contract related
sections and clauses created which is eventually used to create terms template.
12. Define SSP? (self-service
Ans: Self-service procurement is module
used to create requisition by employees of the company. It’s a place where any
employee from any department can request for goods/service.
13. Difference Between Prospective and
Spend Authorized Supplier?
Ans: Prospective suppliers can participate
in sourcing activities only, whereas Spend authorized suppliers can participate/allowed
in all Procure-to-Pay activities like Purchase Order & Agreement.
14. Difference between BPA and CPA?
Ans: 1) Line information is available
in BPA but not available CPA. 2) Price break applicable in BPA but not
applicable in CPA. 3) BPA used when we have purchases in bulk to avail bulk
15. Types of Approval routing?
Ans: FYI, Parallel - First Responder Win/Consensus
and Serial Routing
16. What is ASN?
Ans: Advance Shipment Notice is
Information about upcoming shipment sent by supplier to buyer for making
required arrangements to receive the stock.
17. What are the routing methods?
Ans: Direct, Standard, Inspection.
18. Types of Negotiations?
Ans: RFI, RFQ, RFP, Auction.
19. We have sent RFQ to suppliers and
started receiving quotes, one quote received via mail what is the option to
enter that information into our RFQ.
Ans: Surrogate response.
20. Can we configure approvals for
Ans: Yes from BPM
21. What is Touchless Buying?
Ans: Converting approved requisitions
into purchase orders without manual intervention
22. What are the different conditions
in requisition approvals?
Ans: We can set conditions based on Requisition
BU, Requisition amount, Currency and based on Requisition lines level-
Category, Line amount, Line type, Delivery to location, urgent requisition.
23. Define Catalog and Category?
Ans: 1) Catalog - Catalog is collection/group
of categories.
Category - It is grouping of items that has similar characteristics.
24. Difference between ASN and ASBN?
Ans: ASN includes only information
about shipping and ASBN includes shipping information with billing information.
25. What are Clauses?
Ans: Clauses are created under term
library and it is a set of legal terms and condition for use within business contracts.
26. What are the different ways we can
create requisition?
Ans: Item based requisition, Non
catalog requisition, catalog requisition, requisition using smart form, Punch-out
27. What are the types of approval voting
Ans: Consensus, First Responder wins
28. From where we can set up price
break ups?
Ans: In BPA contract we can set price
break ups at the line level.
29. How do we relate clauses, terms
template and contract terms?
Ans: Each clause, which is usually a
single paragraph, contains text that specifies a set of legal terms. Clauses
make up contract sections, which are then assembled to create a terms template
or a contracts terms and condition.
30. Setups required to create supplier?
Ans: Supplier numbering, supplier type lookup,
Tax organization lookup, Procurement agent, Manage supplier product and service
category hierarchy, Manage supplier descriptive flex fields and supplier
31. Different methods of supplier
Ans: Manual, FBDI/Import, and
Registration: - Internal, External
32. How Receipt number generated?
Ans: Receiving Parameters > Receipt
Number Sections> Automatic / Manual.
33. AP Invoice?
Ans: Payable Invoice to the supplier
for the amount of goods and service that we have taken.
34. What are item key attributes?
Ans: purchased, purchasable, stackable,
allow unordered receipt, inventory planning method, returnable.
35. Explain P2P Cycle?
Ans: Purchase Requisition> Sourcing
> Supplier> Quotation> Negotiation> Award > Purchase Order > Receipts>
Invoice > Payment > Posting to ledger
36. Types of catalogs
Ans: there are there Local, Punch-out
and Informational Catalog.
37. What are the matching options?
2 way – Matching Invoice with purchase order
3 way – Matching Invoice with purchase order and received
4 way – Matching Invoice with purchase order, received quantity
and accepted quantity.
38. What is vacation rule?
Ans: Vacation rule is used to
route delegate/reassigning the document approvals to be approved by someone in
your absence.
39. What are the types of approval hierarchies?
Ans: Employee/Supervisor
hierarchy, Position Hierarchy, Job Level Hierarchy, Approval Group & Single
40. What is the difference between a Purchase order and a Purchase Agreement?
Ans: Purchase Order is used to order the material and the Agreement is mutual understanding when required we can place a purchase order by mentioning the agreement number.
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Thu, 09 Jan 2025
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